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Thank you for using our classifieds and making your service available to our visitors. Many of you probably have wondered why we deleted every ad placed on this website after some time. We want to make it easier for our visitors and let them search the most relevant resumes and job offers only so we delete every ad after four weeks automatically.

However, we know that this does not suit everybody and we want to improve. On this page below, you can now submit your advertisement to become a permanent ad. This means we will review your submission first and once it is accepted, create its own webpage. We also want to give other ESL websites the opportunity to introduce themselves and to link to their website. If you think your website has any importance to our visitors, you can write a detailed unique description and provide your homepage's address.

If your ad is of a more urgent nature, let¡¦s say you need a teacher now and this is not something that happens on an every month basis than please do not submit here. You can follow this link (place your ad now) and have your posting displayed right away. The difference is that we will delete it from the classified ad section in four weeks automatically.

In order to apply for a permanent advertisement fill out the form below. Make sure you use correct English spelling, grammar, and a decent language. Please do not submit postings from other websites, we will not accept them. The information you should provide are your telephone number, address, email, name, category, and at least 150 words for your description.

Categories for permanent ads are; ESL websites, private teachers, teaching lessons, events in Taiwan, and others that you suggest.

The categories for our Taipei city tip section are; bars, pubs, nightlife, restaurants, gay and lesbian scene, weekend activities, trips from Taipei to tourist attractions, and other leisure activities in Taipei.

If you want we can meet somewhere in the city and discussed your opinions. This will provide you with the opportunity to submit a more detailed page design and some of your photographs.


Make sure you provide all the information before you submit your advertisement. Thanks!

For help you can call 25411927 in Taipei.