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Taipei map

Please read the following through before downloading this map.

You may download and use this map for private purpose only. If you intent to print and distribute this map you may do so, as long as you do not remove our logo in the lower right corner of the picture. Don't remove the following from the map (Teaching English in Taiwan taiwan-taipei.com). For cropped versions of our Taipei City map you must put the following back onto the resulting graphic with the same size in pixels and easy to read (Teaching English in Taiwan taiwan-taipei.com).

Please link to our homepage if you use this map on your website.


Click on map of Taipei, Taiwan for a high resolution printable map.

Here are some versions with buildings included to download the map click on Taipei map 3D buildings birdsview.

Choose different color layouts from the pictures below. Feel free to contact us for graphics in different formats and higher resolutions.
The list of street names displayed on these maps can be viewed here. List of street names

taipei map preview red Taipei map 3D buildings red taipei map preview orange
map Taipei grey preview map Taipei low color map of Taipei black and white for copymachine
Taipei MRT mapTaipei MRT

Taipei MRT map Taipei MRT

The map below is for slow internet connections.

Other printable versions of Taipei map will be available soon.